I'm so excited! I just started a watercolor class (videos) on Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/course/watercolourswithconfidence/learn/lecture/19413472#overview Every two weeks or so there's a sale on Udemy classes, around $13. The teacher, Wendy Framst, in one of her lectures, on paint, explained that you can use gum arabic with pigments to make paint. She used the liquid. I did further research and found out you can use the gum arabic powder and water to make your own paints too. Being the scientist I am I want to try this, making my own paints!
This is what I got, the stuff for food is the same as for watercolors. It's a binder and thickener, and allows the pigment to stick to the paper. $8 Ebay. https://www.ebay.com/
Wendy Framst says in her videos to buy the best quality art supplies you can afford. Not necessarily in large amounts or in every color. This got me thinking. Mad Micas has a excellent reputation for their micas. So tonight I also ordered 3 samples of colors I really love and a Mad Grab Bag made up of 10 mica samples for $10. They are a teaspoon each, which doesn't sound like much but should be fine for my purposes. Here are the 3 I ordered, $1.50 each. The shipping is kind of high though.
Quite a few of their micas are safe for soaps and makeup. https://www.madmicas.com/
So... I was also looking at ordering plastic pans and half-pans for the future paints. Something nagged at me. I finally figured it out. Why not use ice cube trays?!! We might even have a white one in the kitchen somewhere that we're not using for ice.
Wish me luck!
All for now.