
Monday, August 27, 2012

Cars, CDs and an Affirmation Book

I decided to let go of my "Space and Beyond" challenge and just do what feels right.  This includes finishing the classic car grilling apron for my brother, doing the CD labels any which way and starting an "Affirmation Book" with poems, Celtic Messages oracle card info. and nice things people have said about my creations or me, plus there will be a few affirmations too.

Here's the pictures from this week:

The colors off on the second picture...


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 9

This is the end of Week 9 of "28 Weeks of Creativity 2012."  I plan on creating to a theme (Space and Beyond) for the rest of the year in art, crafts or writing projects.  I will post process notes and pictures here with an Extras category for projects that don't fit the theme or are from previous weeks.

Week 9:  "Space and Beyond CD Labels-the start"

OK, I didn't get a lot of these made this week, but this is the start of this project.  I'll finish them up soon.  I have a set of CDs that are just car stereo CDs, those are the ones I'm putting labels on.  They are in a travel case, seen below with the two CDs and their "arty" labels:


I finished some of the lettering on my brother's grilling apron.  It says, "Quench my thirst with gasoline."  The quotation is from a Metallica song about cars, called "Fuel."  I'm going to add "-Metallica" in embroidery, to finish the lettering.

I've been spending time getting ready to release art into the world aka Creative Release.  Here's my preparations so far.  More about this later!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 8

This is the end of Week 8 of "28 Weeks of Creativity 2012."  I plan on creating to a theme (Space and Beyond) for the rest of the year in art, crafts or writing projects.  I will post process notes and pictures here with an Extras category for projects that don't fit the theme or are from previous weeks.

Week 8:  "Celestial" baby blanket-finished!

Now the idea was not to take 3 weeks to do a project, but one.  However, I underestimated how long crocheting this blanket would take.  I tried to embroider stars on this with embroidery floss, but the blanket wasn't a stable enough ground for that.  Live and learn!

Here it is:

I made this for my best friend Kari's baby shower.  I also made and decorated a pineapple cake for her party.  We had the party at my house on Saturday.  The cake and the baby blanket made a big hit!

Here are the prize ribbons I made for the winners of the games:

Some of the above qualifies as Extras...


I also finished the top of the apron for my brother.  I'm going to add words to the bottom.


Something both musical and circular!  :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 6 & 7

This is the end of Week 6 and 7 of "28 Weeks of Creativity 2012."  I plan on creating to a theme (Space and Beyond) for the rest of the year in art, crafts or writing projects.  I will post process notes and pictures here with an Extras category for projects that don't fit the theme or are from previous weeks.

Week 6 & 7:  "Celestial Baby Blanket-unfinished"

I didn't post last week because I felt bad that I didn't finish this baby blanket in a week.  Well, it will probably take another week at least since I haven't been working on it much.  Oh well!  The first picture is more accurate color-wise.  Here is the start of it:

Here is approximately where I am now:

Here is the yarn label:


Here is a grilling apron I'm embroidering for my brother.  His favorite colors are maroon and gold.  This is his favorite old car from an embroidery set by Aunt Martha's.

I haven't gotten very far on this either.  The canvas is hard to embroider so I switched from 6 strands of floss to 3.  I didn't win anything in that embroidery contest on the New Embroidery with Vintage Patterns group.  Win some, lose some!

Here is where I am after a week:

I have this hanging in my room.  I made it several years ago at a party, but it fits the theme.

I'll try to post even when I'm making almost no progress (in my eyes at least!). 

OH Deer!

Here is a little fawn in our front yard: