
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 6 & 7

This is the end of Week 6 and 7 of "28 Weeks of Creativity 2012."  I plan on creating to a theme (Space and Beyond) for the rest of the year in art, crafts or writing projects.  I will post process notes and pictures here with an Extras category for projects that don't fit the theme or are from previous weeks.

Week 6 & 7:  "Celestial Baby Blanket-unfinished"

I didn't post last week because I felt bad that I didn't finish this baby blanket in a week.  Well, it will probably take another week at least since I haven't been working on it much.  Oh well!  The first picture is more accurate color-wise.  Here is the start of it:

Here is approximately where I am now:

Here is the yarn label:


Here is a grilling apron I'm embroidering for my brother.  His favorite colors are maroon and gold.  This is his favorite old car from an embroidery set by Aunt Martha's.

I haven't gotten very far on this either.  The canvas is hard to embroider so I switched from 6 strands of floss to 3.  I didn't win anything in that embroidery contest on the New Embroidery with Vintage Patterns group.  Win some, lose some!

Here is where I am after a week:

I have this hanging in my room.  I made it several years ago at a party, but it fits the theme.

I'll try to post even when I'm making almost no progress (in my eyes at least!). 

OH Deer!

Here is a little fawn in our front yard:

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