
Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 8

This is the end of Week 8 of "28 Weeks of Creativity 2012."  I plan on creating to a theme (Space and Beyond) for the rest of the year in art, crafts or writing projects.  I will post process notes and pictures here with an Extras category for projects that don't fit the theme or are from previous weeks.

Week 8:  "Celestial" baby blanket-finished!

Now the idea was not to take 3 weeks to do a project, but one.  However, I underestimated how long crocheting this blanket would take.  I tried to embroider stars on this with embroidery floss, but the blanket wasn't a stable enough ground for that.  Live and learn!

Here it is:

I made this for my best friend Kari's baby shower.  I also made and decorated a pineapple cake for her party.  We had the party at my house on Saturday.  The cake and the baby blanket made a big hit!

Here are the prize ribbons I made for the winners of the games:

Some of the above qualifies as Extras...


I also finished the top of the apron for my brother.  I'm going to add words to the bottom.


Something both musical and circular!  :)


  1. Adorable cake, Anne ~ Has your brother seen the apron?

  2. Thanks, DJ! Yes, he's seen the apron. I hope to finish it in time so he can grill wearing it, aka before the end of summer.

